Spring Lake Church

Orphans of God Malawi

In 2006, prompted by God through Bono’s presentation at a Chicago-area conference about orphaned children in Africa, a group of 4 took to the air and visited Malawi, Africa to see if there was a way that a small church from Green Bay, Wisconsin could have an impact on the orphan crisis. That was when we met John Searle and the Lifeline Fund (then known as Aquaid Lifeline Fund).

In the spring of 2007, Spring Lake Church formally began a partnership with the Lifeline Fund supporting the operation of the village of Funsani. Initially, we sent teachers and pastors to the area and organized Vacation Bible Camps, ministering to the children of Funsani and surrounding areas. A Pastor’s Conference was held in an effort to provide materials and resources to local pastors and youth leaders. In 2008, we sent our first medical team and started to provide clinics for the children and staff at Funsani. For roughly 10 years, we flew teams of nurses with a doctor to provide the clinics, eventually expanding to other villages like Lisungwe, checking on the health of the children while also training local staff.  On every mission, Spring Lake Church brought supplies and stocked shelves with essentials to afford the staff the ability to care for the children’s minor medical needs when necessary. After many years of monitoring and providing for the physical health of the children, we have finally transitioned to caring more for their spiritual needs. Spring Lake Church is also bringing Mission Guides, a Wisconsin organization, into the partnership as we plan to bring more spiritual training and resources to our Malawian friends.

All of this is funded by the generous support of the people of Spring Lake Church. Each year, we have an Adopt a Child event where church members/attenders can support a Malawi youth. They receive a picture of the child, or children in many cases, and commit to supporting the ministry, and more importantly praying for the children. Two energetic women from SLC also started a 5/10K Run event that lasted many years and raised the funds which built a secondary school in Funsani.  Coupled with the proceeds from our adoption program, the people of Spring Lake Church have not only built a school, but houses for widows in the village, housing for teachers at the school, and new dormitories in both Funsani and Lisungwe. Our funds have also contributed to supporting the costs of the staff along with food and education for the children.

Most importantly, we get to share the love of Christ as we build lifelong relationships with our friends from the Lifeline Fund and the people of Malawi! It has also had a huge impact at home in the US as we share how Christ’s love compels us to serve as He leads.

We look forward to growing in this partnership for as long as the Lord provides.