
The Lifeline Fund is a charity registered in the UK with the Charity Commission.

The charity receives money and passes it directly to various sites or projects in Malawi that it supports, consistent with the objects of the charity.  Those projects benefiting include schools,  education of our children through university, care of vulnerable adults.

Support of a child in our care typically costs the charity £8 per month, which includes, food, accommodation, clothing, education, health care.

The charity’s administrative costs are very small – donations to the Lifeline Fund directly benefit those most in need.

We are greatly indebted to our regular and one-off givers who are moved to support this work.

If you wish to donate,  you can do so direct to our bank account or by PayPal.  Please also fill in the form  so that we know where the money is coming from and whether we can gift-aid it.  We prefer a direct payment, because PayPal takes a fee of a few percent.  See also our data protection notice to donors.

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Bank Account Donation

It is essential you fill in the form above (otherwise we won’t know why we received the money) and then make your donation to:

AquAid Lifeline Fund, Lloyds Bank, Sort code 30-13-55, Account 01887046

PayPal Donation

Please fill in the form above and then press this button:
Or scan this QR code: